You may be wondering what a typical day in a drug rehab program looks like. Today we’re going to detail every aspect of a drug rehab program, from the minute you arrive to the minute you leave, we’ll cover it all!
One of the biggest reasons people struggle with addiction is a lack of support. Many people are too embarrassed to admit they have a problem, or simply don’t know who to turn to for help.
They are non-judgmental, qualified to help, and have experience treating people with similar addictions.
You are not alone in your addiction. Professional help is the best way to overcome your personal vices.
You may be surprised to find out that many people go to rehab for non-drug related reasons. Some examples are serious gambling and binge eating. While these are rarer, it should help you realize that there’s no reason to be embarrassed, since addiction comes in many forms.
One of the most powerful ways to beat addiction is to keep yourself busy, and they definitely adhere to that in rehab.
In rehab, you will generally follow the same schedule every day. This often includes waking up early and eating breakfast, group and personal therapy, exercise and chatting, and more.
The main goal of therapy is to get you over that initial first hill during your recovery process. The hardest part of fighting an addiction is the first few days, as this is when most relapses happen.
Once your body has detoxed of whatever substance you are addicted to, you will be able to think more clearly and function better. At this point, it really comes down to having a support group and knowing how to fight off the cravings you will experience.
On the plus side, once you have rehabbed from your withdrawal symptoms, you will be better equipped to fight through your cravings without the physical effects - which can feel impossible to overcome at times.
Up until this point, you may have thought of rehab as a type of “jail” with therapy, but it’s important to note that this is not the case at all.
There are many types of therapy offered, and it’s probably not what you think.
The beginning of any endeavor is typically the hardest part. Drug rehab programs are designed to help you in the early stages of addiction recovery.
As you can see, there are a wide variety of ways you can empower yourself to fight through your addiction. Each of these types of therapies is intended to help increase your mindfulness and develop more control over your own mind and impulses.
In addition to the above therapies, there is often a “traditional” therapy, where you sit down and have a one-on-one chat with a therapist.
These sessions may sound intimidating, but they are incredibly helpful if you can let yourself be open to them.
Your therapist will listen to your history, feelings, thoughts, and more, and then help devise a treatment program tailored to your needs.
These therapy sessions are often extremely helpful, as they can help get to the bottom of why you feel the urge to use.
For example, many people who become addicted to drugs use them to forget or cope with previous unhealed trauma or stresses. Your therapist can help you work through these past traumas and provide feedback and tips to start the healing process. Drugs may seem to dull the pain, but unfortunately, they are not actually fixing anything, only delaying your healing.
Another practice you may find helpful is the group therapy sessions that most rehab centers offer. These are often very different than group therapy sessions outside of rehab centers because everyone in the rehab center is strongly fighting at that moment to overcome addiction.
It can feel comforting to know that no one is there judging you, since you are all in the same place at the same time, going through the same struggles - no matter what your addiction may be.
A typical day at a drug rehab facility is nothing to worry about. Most are comfortable, with your personal care in mind.
One concern that many people have prior to checking into rehab is the fear of going through horrible physical effects when they stop taking the drug they are addicted to.
This is especially true with narcotics and benzodiazepines, as they can have serious life-threatening effects when stopping. The good news is that most rehab centers are equipped to deal with these issues, and know exactly how to help.
Many rehab centers employ medical doctors that are very familiar with the detox and withdrawal process from common drugs. The doctor will be able to prescribe certain medications that will slowly wean your body off of the substances you are addicted to.
This means that you won’t have to experience some of the painful side effects of withdrawal that could happen if you try to quit cold turkey.
It’s important to note that serious substance addictions should not try to be treated by yourself. A serious addiction to dangerous drugs can be life-threatening if you try to quit cold turkey without the supervision of a doctor.
Outpatient rehab programs are perfect for someone who is mildly or moderately addicted to drugs. These are also an option for someone who is being discharged from a rehab center and feels they are strong enough to overcome their addiction.
These programs focus on getting you through the detox period safely and empowering you to continue the fight against your addiction.
These will generally involve a 30-minute visit with a doctor for the first week as they monitor your progress and symptoms. This is the recommended way to quit if you don’t feel like checking in to rehab, yet feel you need some help quitting drugs, or are afraid of withdrawal symptoms.
Overall, there are thousands of excellent rehab centers across the world. It’s important for you to know that you’re not alone in your fight against addiction. Keep pressing forward and use every resource available to you!