Category: Advice

Articles looking at options when people are struggling with distancing themselves from drugs or alcohol.

US Hospitals Should Have Addiction Treatment Specialists on Staff

The number of drug overdose deaths in the United States has skyrocketed in recent years, with opioids leading the way as one of the most deadly and addictive substances. Many even consider it a drug overdose epidemic. According to the CDC, there were approximately 107,000 overdose deaths in 2021. In the same year, SAMSHA identified […]

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How Drug Dealers May Be Using Emoji To Sell Drugs

Every generation has its slang, and Gen Z is no exception. The use of emojis became quite popular with Gen Z. And now they’re using emoji to sell drugs and to generally talk about them with friends. They bank on the fact that most adults don't have a sense of how emojis work. To any unsuspecting adult, […]

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Hippie Flipping, Candy Flipping, & Polysubstance Abuse

Over the last two decades, people have normalized combining different drugs to achieve a more intense high. It is not uncommon to see an individual mixing alcohol with a prescription drug or psychoactive and psychedelic substances. If someone uses drugs sold on the street, the chances are that this person drinks alcohol too.  Most drug addicts are unaware of the severe short-term […]

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The Effects of Drug Use On Young Families in the U.S.

Drug addiction doesn’t only affect the drug user. Drug use also affects entire families, probably more than most people acknowledge. In the United States alone, approximately 21 million people above 12 years suffer from substance use disorders, including alcohol and drug abuse. Most young people start abusing drugs in high school or earlier. To prevent drug abuse among young people, the Substance […]

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Household Items Co-Opted in Drug Use

People who abuse drugs use a range of items to make, abuse, or conceal drugs. Most of these items are either hard to access or pretty expensive to buy. So users may opt for everyday household essentials. For example, they will use plastic storage containers to store the drugs or create a pipe out of […]

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How Do I Stage An Intervention?

When a loved one is addicted to a certain drug or alcohol, you may need to stage an intervention to show that their actions are hurting them and those around them. It’s not necessary to involve the local department of health. An intervention can help you express your feelings constructively. It can also help you direct a loved one […]

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How to Manage Your Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are one of the toughest parts of overcoming addiction. Almost everyone finds it challenging. Once you get to the other side, however, you'll realize that your efforts to manage your withdrawal symptoms have been well worth it. You have the rest of your life ahead of you, free from the chains of drug […]

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What is CBT & How Does it Help Treat Drug-Related Addiction?

Addiction is more than a physical dependence on substances. Even after detox, when the body is no longer hooked, one is still at high risk of relapse. Factors like stress, environmental cues, and social networks can create a strong ongoing urge to use again. That's why therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) come in handy. […]

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Confidence Vs. Complacency: When Does Minor Drug Use for Anxiety Become a Problem?

It’s normal for minors to feel anxious or worried from time to time. It happens when they move to a new area or school or before a game and so on. But for some minors, anxiety affects their thoughts and behavior every day, interfering with their home, social, and school life. In this case, a […]

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Boost Your Confidence After Getting Clean: 7 Ways to Maintain Sobriety

Confidence is an integral part of recovery. It not only influences your choices and decisions but also leaves you empowered. There are ways to boost your confidence while in recovery and they are crucial to your success. But if you're like most people, you likely had self-confidence issues before you developed an addiction. Unhealthy decisions, […]

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