Category: Lifestyle

Articles about how lifestyles and lifestyle changes can shape your recovery.

How Long Does a Drug Rehab Program Typically Take?

One of the most common questions about drug rehab programs is how long they typically last. The answer to this question depends on various factors, including the type of program and the individual's specific needs. However, a typical drug rehab program will last somewhere between 30 and 90 days. And while some people only need […]

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Can You Get Addicted to Ecstasy or MDMA?

MDMA, also known as ecstasy or Molly, is a synthetic drug that can produce feelings of increased energy, euphoria, and pleasure. It is often used recreationally, at clubs or parties. However, some may be curious whether it is possible to become addicted to ecstasy, or MDMA. The short answer is yes, it is possible to […]

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Music Concert Visuals May Be Inspired By Drug Use

There's no denying that drugs and music have always had a close relationship. For many people, using drugs is a way to enhance their musical experience, whether it's dancing all night at a club or losing themselves in an eclectic mix at a festival. However, it's worth noting that not all music fans use drugs, […]

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Stash Clothing: How Addicts Hide Their Drugs For Easy Access

If you have, at any point in your life, interacted with drug addicts, you are likely aware of just how far they would go to ensure they get their high any time they want. Even though they are addicts, they go out of their way to conceal their drugs from other people. They may go […]

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How Drug Dealers May Be Using Emoji To Sell Drugs

Every generation has its slang, and Gen Z is no exception. The use of emojis became quite popular with Gen Z. And now they’re using emoji to sell drugs and to generally talk about them with friends. They bank on the fact that most adults don't have a sense of how emojis work. To any unsuspecting adult, […]

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Can You Become Addicted to Hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens are drugs that cause perceptual distortions in the user's environment. This can include seeing, hearing, and feeling things that aren't there. The distortions can be dangerous, especially if someone takes them regularly. There are many different types of hallucinogens, including LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, and DMT. While each drug produces different effects, all of them have the […]

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Top Famous Artists Who Abuse Drugs

Drugs and alcohol tend to influence your mind to develop ideas and thoughts you wouldn’t have if you were sober. Some people suggest that these substances unlock a suppressed level of consciousness that helps them with their painting, but this is yet to be scientifically proven. History’s most outstanding artists created original artwork under the influence, and […]

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Hippie Flipping, Candy Flipping, & Polysubstance Abuse

Over the last two decades, people have normalized combining different drugs to achieve a more intense high. It is not uncommon to see an individual mixing alcohol with a prescription drug or psychoactive and psychedelic substances. If someone uses drugs sold on the street, the chances are that this person drinks alcohol too.  Most drug addicts are unaware of the severe short-term […]

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Why Is Alcohol A Socially More Acceptable Addiction?

Alcohol is legal and readily available in restaurants, grocery stores, sports games, and clubs. It is also widely advertised. Anyone 21 years or older can walk into a bar and grab wine, liquor, or beer in America. As long as they don’t drink in public places like vehicles, sidewalks, and parks, they’re good to go. […]

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A Drug Addict Usually Has These Items

It is not easy to tell that a loved one is abusing drugs, especially in the early stages of addiction. You may notice changes in their moods or behaviors, but that could be anything. However, if your intuition tells you there’s a problem, it might be worth taking stock of your concern. A great place […]

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