Category: Lifestyle

Articles about how lifestyles and lifestyle changes can shape your recovery.

The Road to Recovery: Everyday Habits to Stay on Track

Research shows that about 40-60% of people relapse within 30 days of completing a rehab program, and up to 85% relapse within the first year. These statistics highlight the challenging nature of addiction recovery. But the good news is that relapse is a normal part of the recovery process, and there are several effective things […]

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Dethroning the Dragon: Changing our Relationship with Addiction

Many people perceive addiction as a mere habit or choice. They mistakenly think that those who abuse substances lack willpower or moral principles. This misunderstanding often leads to blame and stigma, reinforcing the idea that those struggling with addiction lack the strength to control their actions.  However, addiction is far from a simple matter of […]

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The Hidden Dangers of Nicotine Pouches & How To Quit

Nicotine pouches are among the fastest-growing nicotine delivery products in the US. According to data, nicotine pouch dollar sales increased by 470% over the first half of 2020. People are drawn to them due to their discreet nature, availability of flavors, and the perception of reduced harm compared to traditional tobacco products.  Nicotine pouches are particularly appealing to […]

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Reducing Recidivism in Addiction: The Crucial Role of Comprehensive Treatment

The struggle to overcome addiction and break free from its grasp is an arduous journey, full of challenges and setbacks. And for those who’ve experienced incarceration due to substance-related offenses, this struggle is further compounded by the risk of recidivism. A comprehensive addiction treatment program is a great tool to assist in reducing recidivism. Recidivism, […]

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How Nutrition and Exercise Can Help Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex disease that affects not only the mind but also the body. That's why addiction treatment must address an individual's whole body health. The holistic addiction treatment model takes into account the whole person - their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being - rather than just treating the addiction itself. It recognizes that […]

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Seniors Are Dying at an Alarming Rate Due to Drug Overdoses

Drug overdose is a significant public health issue that affects all age groups. However, it is particularly concerning among seniors, who are dying at an alarming rate due to drug overdoses. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of seniors who have died from drug overdoses, and this trend shows no signs of slowing […]

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What Does "California Sober" Mean?

California Sober is a trending term that was popularized by singer-songwriter Demi Lovato. The singer released her song, California Sober, after a near-death opioid overdose in 2018. In her interview with CBS News, Lovato said she best identifies with the term California Sober. But what exactly does the term California Sober mean? While traditional sobriety is defined as […]

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What Are The Main Reasons People First Try Drugs & Alcohol?

People try drugs or alcohol for a variety of reasons, ranging from curiosity or boredom to social pressure or mental health issues.  For some people, trying drugs or alcohol is a one-time event that doesn't lead to further use. For others, though, drug or alcohol use can become a substance use disorder, defined as a […]

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How Are Sleep Disorders & Addiction Connected?

Sleep disorders and addiction share a complex and bidirectional relationship. People who suffer from a sleep disorder may be more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol to try and self-medicate and achieve better sleep. For instance, they may use stimulant drugs to compensate for daytime fatigue caused by lost sleep. In other cases, they may […]

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How Does Poverty Affect Drug Abuse Rates?

Poverty is one of the most significant predictors of drug abuse and addiction. Individuals who live in poverty are more likely to turn to drugs to cope with the stress and challenges of their lives. At the same time, drug abuse can lead to further poverty, chronic illness, and mental health problems. A 2019 study found that most opioid overdose […]

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