Category: Health

Articles about your health and the overcoming the health effects of addiction

What Can Someone Do if a Family Member is on Drugs?

It is never a good situation to be in when someone may have to wonder whether or not a family member is addicted to alcohol or drugs. However, if you do find yourself in this situation, just know that you are not alone, as nearly 21 million Americans struggle with an active addiction in our […]

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Why Can’t People Admit They’re Addicted To Weed?

Marijuana, also known by cannabis, weed, grass, shake, ganja, reefer, dope, hash, herb, chronic, and many other names, has a reputation for being a safe narcotic. In reality, there are no 'safe' narcotics, and the potential for addiction to 'weed' (as it will be henceforth referred to) has well earned its place on the DEA […]

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What Kind of People are Likely to Become Addicted to Drugs? 10 Risk Factors.

Drug addiction can happen to anyone at any time. Luckily, there are identifiable risk factors for high-risk individuals and even yourself. There are two types of major risk factors: biological and environmental. BIOLOGICAL RISK FACTORS: FAMILY HISTORY The first and primary risk factor for addiction is family history or genetics. Both genetic and environmental variables […]

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How to Get Yourself to Stop Doing Drugs

While there are a great many resources to help and aid you in your recovery journey, the ultimate decision rests with you. A Scientific American article points out the following: "But some in the field point out that many if not most addicts successfully recover without professional help. A survey by Gene Heyman, a research […]

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What Is A Drug Rehab Program Like?

You may be wondering what a typical day in a drug rehab program looks like. Today we’re going to detail every aspect of a drug rehab program, from the minute you arrive to the minute you leave, we’ll cover it all! One of the biggest reasons people struggle with addiction is a lack of support. […]

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How do Drug Rehab Facilities Get Addicts to Come In?

Drug rehabilitation facilities use a myriad of different strategies for the recipient to receive help. One of the most difficult challenges these facilities face is that no single person is the same. Differing strategies are required in order to meet the needs of the individual patient. For some, willpower will be enough, for others following […]

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What Are the Effects on the Quality of Life of a Drug Addict?

Drugs are often associated with a decline in quality of life, but to what degree? You’ve probably heard of people losing their homes, friends, family, and jobs, and may be wondering if this is true for every drug addict. We talked to former drug addicts, did as much research as possible, and feel qualified to […]

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What Are the Effects of Drug Use On Blood Pressure?

Drug usage has risen over the past decade and only seems to be increasing. It seems like we all know, or have known, someone in our lives who has fallen into the addiction of drug usage. While many people think about the problems, drug addiction brings, not many people think about the long-lasting health effects […]

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Making A Reward System When You Quit Drugs & Alcohol Can Help (CBT)

No matter what the details of your addiction recovery journey, experts agree - the use of CBT (or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, as it is known) is a powerful tool to prevent relapse and fight off temptation.  One study[1] of cocaine-dependent patients even showed 60% of patients subjected to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy remained clean upon a […]

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How Does Drug Use Affect the Environment? - Amazon Fires & Cocaine

When you think of illegal drugs, the environment may not be the first thought in your mind. Contrary to what most people may believe, illegal drug use does harm the environment in multiple ways. Cocaine is one of the most serious offenders in the drug world. Before we get into the actual process by which […]

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