Category: Lifestyle

Articles about how lifestyles and lifestyle changes can shape your recovery.

Is Food Addiction A Real Addiction?

The idea that some foods may have the potential of causing addiction and that some forms of overeating may indicate an addictive behavior has been discussed for years. There has been a growing interest and research on the subject, leading to more definitions and assessment methods. While the diagnosis of food addiction isn’t formally recognized […]

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What Drugs are Drying Up from Quarantine?

The accelerated spread of the novel coronavirus has brought the global economy to a standstill. Predictions of potential impacts of the pandemic’s shock on the worldwide economy vary considerably. Yet many agree that the economy is facing the most severe challenge of the post-war era due to the sudden halt in economic activity in both […]

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What Drugs Are Commonly Found In Prison?

When a convict is sent to prison, he or she is stripped, disinfected and subjected to stringent inspection to ensure nothing illegal, like drugs, or contraband gets inside. His or her possessions are catalogued and boxed up. A convict only gets to keep a few books, eyeglasses and legal papers. Visitors, too, undergo thorough screenings […]

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What is Synthetic Marijuana or K2?

The medical marijuana craze has ignited a multi-billion dollar industry. From oils to tinctures to lotions to lattes to e-cigarettes in all shapes and sizes, for pain, anxiety, depression, seizures, autism, soft skin, hangover, etc., marijuana is everywhere. In fact, those who invested in top marijuana companies in 2016 are potentially up more than 1000%. […]

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Can Christians Smoke Weed?

A topic that long seems to have been up for debate is whether Christian’s are able to smoke weed and still be considered to be walking the righteous path of our Lord. Well, just the same with any other well-known argument, there are always two sides to every opinion. To answer this question, many call […]

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What is a Club Drug?

A lot has changed in the clubbing world. Years back, baggy cotton tees and trousers were the "in" thing. But today, ravers rock designer clothes and statement pieces. Well, maybe it’s because the crowd is getting younger, and selfies are at the center stage of it all. So are club drugs. Unlike decades ago when […]

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Drug Withdrawal Can Make you Weak

Does this sound familiar? You call up all your friends and loved ones to inform them about your plans to quit using drugs or alcohol. You are so sure about it and believe that nothing can get in the way. So you quit cold turkey, with no help. And just as everything seems to be […]

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Can Cocaine Kill The Coronavirus?

Many people saw a meme going around in late January - early February that looked like a reputable news story, with the headline: “Cocaine Kills Coronavirus, scientist is shocked that the drug can fight the virus”. This had many people seeing (and believing) that just maybe, the illegal, illicit drug could help prevent people from […]

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I Found Out My Parent Uses Heroin, What Should I Do?

First and foremost, if you are in any immediate danger, please reach out to another family member or relative, friend, neighbor, emergency services, or another trusted source to remove yourself from the situation before it gets too bad. Maybe you know your parent uses heroin because you’ve found some needles or other drug related paraphernalia, […]

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Will The Brain Recover After Years of Drug Abuse?

While addiction is said to last a lifetime, that doesn't necessarily mean that the harmful effects on your brain will. Addiction is a complex condition that is considered by the majority of healthcare professionals to be a disease of the brain. It is often characterized by compulsive, almost uncontrollable, drug seeking and drug-using behavior despite […]

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